Physical/Occupational Therapist


Once student goals are established in the Individual Education Plan (IEP), the IEP team decides whether Physical/Occupational Therapy support is required for student success. OT/PT services are collaborative and focused on functional skills and adaptations that promote educational goals. Services may be more indirect, or "on behalf of the student". These may include setting up strategies, modifications or accommodations within the student's environment. Consultation and/or collaboration with school staff and caregivers is a very important part of OT/PT school services. Strategies and responsibilities are taught and delegated to teachers, aides, and others. OT/PT services could be provided anywhere in the school setting and may occur by working directly with the student, either individually, in a small group setting, or within the classroom.

Areas addressed by Occupational Therapy (OT) may include: use of classroom tools and manipulatives, cutting, handwriting, assistive technology, self-help skills, organization, social skills, independent living skills, and sensory issues affecting education.

Areas addressed by Physical Therapy (PT) may include: independent living skills, safe school mobility both interior and exterior as applicable, access to equipment and supplies in educational environment. The goal of PT in the educational setting is to have the student be able to safely access their educational environment, with modifications provided as necessary.

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